Nightly supports handling deeplinks to allow for seamless communication with other apps and services available on your mobile device.
How does it work
The deeplink which you send from within your website or an app, granted it is structured correctly, instructs the Nightly app
on your device, to open the requested url inside the in-app browser, from which you can then connect nightly with your website and perform various operations. Our app is divided into sections, each being a separate network, therefore you should pass a network
property inside the deeplink, to open the browser in the network tab of your choice.
For a deeplink to be compatible with the Nightly app
, it has to follow some blueprints. The overall structure is explained below.
A Nightly deeplink blueprint enforces the link to look like so.
Prefix - tells the device to transfer the request to Nightly
Network - instructs your
Nightly app
to open the in-app browser on the specified blockchainWebsite url - opens the requested url inside the in-app browser